Spiritual product

美 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl ˈprɑːdʌkt]英 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl ˈprɒdʌkt]
  • 网络精神产品
Spiritual productSpiritual product
  1. On the Productive Mode and Characteristics of the Library ′ s Spiritual Product


  2. Silk is both a material and a spiritual product .


  3. On the Value of Library 's Spiritual Product and Its Affects On the Ideological Education


  4. Narrative work is spiritual product ; therefore narrative discourse is dominated by social ideology .


  5. The subject of editing practice is the producer of the socially spiritual product .


  6. In the modern society , it has become a popular economic phenomenon for people to pursuit the spiritual product .


  7. Forth , enhance the supervising on the cultural market in order to provide the youth lively and healthy spiritual product .


  8. Spiritual product has the feature of commodity , which has not only use-value , but also value in the economic sense .


  9. As a paper text , textbook is a spiritual product of materialization , whose quality directly affects the users ' satisfaction .


  10. As an indispensable material substance and spiritual product , architecture greatly influences the living quality as well as the mental requirements of human being .


  11. Its distillation evolves a kind of spiritual product of human culture , a carrier of mind and spirit , a vital component of culture and civilization .


  12. The development of productivity and evolvement of virtual economy bring forward the changes in the content of consumption : from material product dominated to material and spiritual product dominated .


  13. As the spiritual product , the software value includes three parts : the newly created value , the inherited value and the transferred value . The utility becomes the primary decisive factor of software value .


  14. Institution is also a very important spiritual product . The software possesses the strong institutional meaning , and is the internal solidification of the institution . A series of software production can make an integrated institutional system .


  15. Accordingly , anti-art , as a view of post-modern art , opposes the traditional concept that art is the spiritual product independent of life . Hence , the views on art involved in post-modernism appear much revolutionary .


  16. This kind of society movements , can decide socioeconomic development level , strengthens the international competition ability of country , develops national cultural tradition , affects demand and the consuming of spiritual product and the material product of all national citizen to satisfy level .


  17. Wealth is the product which is produced from labor because of the shortage . The product which meets the material demand is wealth , and the spiritual cultural product which meets the spiritual demand is also wealth .


  18. It is a regional culture , emerging from the ocean of Hainan , which is that people know , grasp , exploit and use the ocean of Hainan , or which is a quintessence of the material and spiritual 's product .


  19. As the creative and productive ability with which people are engaged in the spiritual and cultural product , spiritual productivity is the interpersonal relationship . What spirit production changed is the people 's subjective spiritual world .


  20. He was always keeping his dynamic and evolutional eyes on emergence of new culture trait that adjusts to the times . He abandoned the narrow concept that culture was only spiritual and artistic product and argued that culture is popular .


  21. At the age when the material product is lacked , it is reasonable that the spiritual and service product is neglected and removed from the profession of wealth . But now we can not neglect that the nonmaterial product is wealth .


  22. First , advertisement is aimed to act as the cultural and even spiritual interpretation of the product .


  23. Products are emotional and rational , material and spiritual synthesis , the product of emotional general refers to the artistic product , affective , psychological and cultural nature , as reflected in the pattern of products , colors and materials , and so on .


  24. Spiritual ( intellectual ) labor directly produces spiritual product .


  25. After defining and characterizing the spiritual products and their features in production and consumption process , this thesis defines the online games as one of the typical spiritual product .
